Veterans’ Day
What a wonderful Veterans' Week! We honored all of the five branches of the military this week. We invited a representative of each branch to help raise our American Flag every day while everyone in the school had an opportunity to watch. On Friday gathered as a...
Famous Kentuckians in 4th Grade
Last Thursday, the fourth graders celebrated "Famous Kentuckian Day". Each student researched a famous person that had lived part of their life in Kentucky and on Thursday, they dressed up as that famous Kentuckian and gave a short speech about their life. Some of...
1st Grade Farm Trip
First Grade had a wonderful trip to Benton Farms this week. They got to ride a hayride, sheer a sheep, milk a cow and pick a pumpkin!
4th Grade Goes to Frankfort
The 4th grade had a great trip to Frankfort last week! They visited the Governor's Mansion, Capitol, Old State Capitol, Ky History Center, and Daniel Boone's gravesite. What a neat way to learn about history!